Empowering People in the Workplace
The world is constantly changing: in professional structures we are moving from a very hierarchical vertical organization, to a more horizontal management style - known as the green vision of the world.*
In this organisational structure, employee's responsibilities and roles vary and the respect and dignity they are all treated with is identical.
The role of manager's has changed: rather than setting goals for the team, they act as leaders and stewards of a common vision. They can guide them from anywhere in the group, and not necessarily from the top of the hierarchy.
Today, we see that managers and their teams do not have the tools and skills needed to move towards a more horizontal organisation. To establish horizontal relationships, they must develop skills such as: contribution, cooperation, transparency, self-regulation, perspective, responsibility, creativity and problem solving.
Based on Adlerian psychology, the Empowering People in the Workplace (EPW) program focuses on the basic desire all people have— to belong and feel significant (Maslow pyramid level 3).
Workshop participants will develop skills such as:
Communication ,how to ask questions and active listening;
Performance and productivity, how to replace toxic behaviours, based on criticism, by solutions focused approach, that creates an encouraging culture of feedback;
Engagement how to develop a feeling of belonging and significance at work
Cooperation and collaboration, how to experience the power of the creative process, and understand the importance of following templates and routines in the workplace to work effectively;
Perspective , how to focus on each team member assets and strengths
The power to encourage others, how to develop intrinsic motivation in the team
Self-regulation , understanding how our brain works and the behaviours we adopt when we are under stress,
The growth mindset , how to turn mistakes into learning opportunities;
Motivation, understanding the importance of having a shared team vision;
Connection , how to create spaces where team members feel confortable and listened, increasing transparency;
Mutual respect , how to strike the right balance between kindness and firmness
Compassion , learning to listen beyond words to understand what others say, feel and what they really want;
Creativity , using collective intelligence and role plays in search of solutions
EPW activities will help participants develop their emotional intelligence, it will enhance their creativity and improve team performance, helping them achieve a feeling of belonging and significance. Our workshops are very interactive and activities are experiential; we use role-play to make participants go through the feeling-thinking-decision cycle.
We can propose you face-to-face or online workshops.

*Reinventing Organizations, (Frédéric Laloux).